Pixelhaze Academy Blog

Elwyn Davies Elwyn Davies

Mailchimp v Squarespace Email Campaigns - The match-up.

Squarespace Email Campaigns began its life in 2018 with a great deal of promise. Now it has a few years under its belt, I thought it would be a good time to run through some of the key comparisons between Squarespace Email Campaigns and Mailchimp.

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Squarespace Plugins Sam Ogilvie Squarespace Plugins Sam Ogilvie

Squarespace Menu Plugins

At PixelHaze, we are always working on developing features to simplify the process of creating a polished Squarespace website design. Recently, we've expanded our range of Squarespace plugins to allow you to develop a fully customisable and bespoke website.

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Kenneth Rees Kenneth Rees

PixelHaze delivers brief to University of South Wales students

It was a pleasure to visit the University of South Wales in Cardiff, to deliver our Bootcamp brief for the third-year graphic communication students. Coming in on week three of the Boot Camp module, we set a design brief based on branding and web design.

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A Guide to Squarespace Lists

This feature can be found by going on to any of your pages, adding in a new section, then finding the item called 'lists'. In the list section, there are a number of different formats, which can be handy in many different scenarios. This feature is only available in Squarespace 7.1. There are three main list formats, these being simple list, banner, format, and carousel. The main list format we've been using currently is the circular list format, also known as the simple list format.

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Kenneth Rees Kenneth Rees

The Website Spruce Up

As we design our websites and continue to add content once it's up and running, we can run into a problem where our homepage in particular can start to look rather cluttered. We can lose our key messages, and sometimes it's great to take a step back and have a quick ‘Strategy Session’.

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