Pixelhaze Academy Blog

Squarespace Templates Elwyn Davies Squarespace Templates Elwyn Davies

New Squarespace Template - Greening and Co

At PixelHaze, we are continually developing the best premium Squarespace templates to make website design for small businesses easier with professional-looking results. If you're designing a website for a professional services business and looking for a clean and polished way to display your services, then look no further than the Greening and Co website template.

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A Guide to Squarespace Lists

This feature can be found by going on to any of your pages, adding in a new section, then finding the item called 'lists'. In the list section, there are a number of different formats, which can be handy in many different scenarios. This feature is only available in Squarespace 7.1. There are three main list formats, these being simple list, banner, format, and carousel. The main list format we've been using currently is the circular list format, also known as the simple list format.

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