Pixelhaze Academy Blog
Health Hacks for your office - How to stay healthy in a studio environment
When working in a studio environment, which heavily uses technology to produce products, such as websites, Logos and brands, you'll often find yourself spending long hours in front of screens.
Creating the Pixelhaze theme - Kieran Williams Sound Design
With the Pixelhaze training content near completion, there was one thing missing. Music! Enlisting the help of the talented Kieran Williams, we gave him project of creating The Pixelhaze theme! Music which will be used throughout our training content. This is how he did it.
The top web design trends in 2021 and how you can create them in Squarespace
Observing the direction that the industry is going, in general, is a great way of reinventing yourself as a web designer. Here’s some of the main design trends for 2021.
Themed NHS Pop Culture - Social Distance Posters
Sensible rules to follow in the work place. If you have a creative working environment like us at Pixelhaze, you may want to take a look at some of these novel themes based on pop culture classics.
Stay Connected! - The origin of the Internet's most infamous Dinosaur
PixelHaze Creative Director Ken Rees shares the origin of the internet’s most infamous Dinosaur.
The Return of Comic Sans! - Poster Design Now Available
PixelHaze Creative Director Ken Rees shares what keeps him up at night through a truly horrific poster!
The Website Blueprint.
PixelHaze Creative Director Ken Rees shares the Pixelhaze design process for creating a website through an isometric poster design.
Designs Trends for 2021 & how to achieve them in Squarespace
PixelHaze Creative Director Ken Rees shares the top design trends leading into 2021 and how these trends can be implemented effectively into your Squarespace site.
Pixel Artwork - Time Lapse Crash Course
By Ken Rees: The beginning of our crash course series. Using illustrator we pay homage to the retro 8bit styling of 80's video games through our own Pixelhaze branding.
Creating your own animated Video Banners
By Ken Rees: When considering the virtues of a Video banner, especially an animated one, can be a welcome addition to any Squarespace site, the use of a video banner will often encourage a viewer to stay on a site for far longer and increase engagement, but, is a video banner right for your site?
Squarespace vs Wix - Why we champion Squarespace
By Ken Rees: Wordpress sights can be a nightmare for beginners who are new to web design. There is a lot to digest and take in straight from the start, and without a decent knowledge of web design or coding, it can often be difficult for start up businesses to create a bespoke website which best fits their business.
Evolution of the Pixelhaze Brand
By Ken Rees: Pixelhaze has developed vastly over the years from its foundation in 2015 to present day. Not only has it evolved as a business with the addition of the Pixelhaze Academy, but also as a brand. Looking at how the branding has changed over a 5 year period it’s clear that Pixelhaze’s philosophy has stayed true in its development.
Adding Personality to your Website with Animated Gifs
By Ken Rees: Icons are often used within websites to help navigate the user with simplistic designs intended to explain the meaning of sections in a minimal way. Used correctly, icons can be a create addition to a site.
Although icons are a create way to break up your content, they can be improved upon further to add an extra layer of depth to your site. Eye candy used to engage your viewer. Depending on the websites branding, using animation in the right way can be a welcome addition to your website.
My Top 5 Tips For Undergraduate Designers
By Ken Rees: Nearing the end of my University at the Atrium in Cardiff, I’ve been reflecting on my graphics degree as a whole wondering what I would’ve done differently and how I could’ve approached Graphic Communications with the knowledge I have now. That’s why I’ve compiled Ken’s Top 5 Tips for Undergraduate Designers. These are things I’d wished I knew at the start of my degree to give me a proper head start in a career of design.