New Squarespace Template - Formed by Glaciers
At PixelHaze, we are always striving to offer the best premium Squarespace templates to make your website designing as hassle-free as possible. If you're a small business owner looking for a new website to showcase your products, then look no further than the Formed by Glaciers template.
The Formed by Glaciers Squarespace template offers a bespoke, handcrafted, premium online store for your products. In order to show off the features of this template, we intentionally created a fictional brand called Formed by Glaciers to demonstrate how you could present your products in a minimalist yet high-quality layout.
Default Squarespace templates allow you to get started with designing your website, but with premium templates like the Formed by Glaciers template, the site you will end up with is a lot more bespoke and unique. For example, with the use of custom code elements, we've used minimal one-pixel line borders around the sections to create a clear divide between each offering on the site. The fictional brand also uses a green teal colour alongside greys, whites, and more minimal tones which allows the products to be the main feature on the website.
A great benefit of our PixelHaze Squarespace templates is that they come with custom Squarespace plugins included. The main custom Squarespace plugin we've used in this site template is our very own Shop Filter plugin. This feature allows you to use categories and tags to differentiate your products. If you have a wide range of products. this feature makes it a lot easier for users to navigate and find the desired product.
For instance, on this website, we used tags and categories to create different drink ranges along with the different types of each drink for different tasks. For example, we have the Glacial range of drinks which can then be refined to the different gin types sold such as London Dry gin, Old Tom gin, and Sloe gin.
Our Shop Filter plugin is included with this template
Our Timeline plugin is also included with this template
Another great plugin included with this template is one we've created in-house here at the PixelHaze studio called the Timeline plugin. The Timeline plugin allows you to create a simple timeline. This feature can be used in a number of ways, for example, to show your customers the history of your business since it started and developed. On this template, we have used this feature to show off different gin types and to show the history behind the craft. You can see here that we have shown a timeline going from 1864 all the way to 2021. Small businesses could utilise this feature to show their many years of experience and development in their industry.
The template doesn't just rely on plugins, however. We've also introduced sketched illustrations in the background art of sections which really help to tell a story of a business. The idea behind this fictional brand is that we wanted to show that the origins of the gin we were selling had been handcrafted in a very natural environment amongst the glaciers you might find on your gin glass. The colour palette alongside these sketched illustrations all adds to telling the story of your brand through your website. We can show you have to create these illustrations to achieve the same effect for your product.
It is often said that "people don't buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it”. That's why this website heavily focuses on the storytelling aspects, such as the use of illustrations, the detailed ice shine on the main banner unit, and the timeline feature, which shows the rich history of the business. This website template is perfect for people with a number of different products who want to tell their stories through an online experience.
This Squarespace template is available now at On the PixelHaze store website, you will be able to see our wide range of Squarespace templates. These templates have been refined with over 20 years of industry experience which helps give them that extra polish and premium look. Simple purchase the template on the store and we will then hand over access for you to start stripping out the content and adding in your own features for your brand.
The Formed by Glaciers template is currently 20% off, so if you're thinking of designing a new website for your business for 2022, this template is perfect to guide you. The offer doesn't last forever, so purchase it now while the offer lasts!
Happy designing!