Pixelhaze Academy Blog
Mastering Customer Care: The Wave Technique for Happy Clients and Business Success!
Maintaining a solid and rewarding relationship with your clients is essential in the vast ocean of business and could mean the difference between sinking or swimming.
Streak CRM: Revolutionizing Small Business Productivity
Small businesses often struggle with managing customer relations due to limited resources and the challenges of remote work. Streak CRM enables businesses to access all their customer data in one place.
SEO NO! Mistakes Newbies Make trying to get their website to rank on Google
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a crucial part of digital marketing. It involves optimizing your website to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).
How to add a Google Chrome web shortcut onto your Mac desktop
Adding a Google Chrome web shortcut to your Mac desktop is a quick and easy way to access your favourite websites without having to open a web browser and manually type in the URL.
SEO: Quality of website traffic VS. Quantity of website traffic
Website traffic refers to the number of visitors that a website receives. It is a measure of how many people are visiting a website, and can be used to gauge the popularity and reach of a website.
Is AI really going to take your Job? Or is it a huge opportunity?
Pandora's box is open, and there is no going back. The genie is out of the bottle, and AI technology is here to stay.
A little about a lot: A brief introduction to SEO
SEO stands for "search engine optimization." It is the process of making changes to a website in order to improve its ranking on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
SEO for Branded Search - Why it is vital to Your Bottom Line and What You Need to Do
SEO for branded search may sound complicated, but when we break it down, it's both straightforward and one of the essential building blocks for getting our SEO strategy up and running.
Delivering a pitch or presentation? Here's a preflight checklist to help you on your way
To coincide with the launch of our new course, Please don’t go to sleep! - here are some of our top tips to get you in the swing of preparing for your presentation.
Squarespace SEO: How to track anchor links in Google Analytics with Google Tag Manager
Recently, I had a client ask if we could use the “Meet the Team” section on the homepage to track which of their staff and their respective services were generating the most interest; from this information, we could craft blog posts and other content to keep site visitors more engaged.