Non-Stop Squarespace Pro Tips in 30 Minutes: Master Your Web Design Skills

Welcome to a treasure trove of Squarespace tips and tricks gathered over two decades in the web design industry. As the founder of Pixel Haze Academy, I've had the opportunity to build over 4,000 websites, with 300 on the Squarespace platform.

This blog post distills years of experience into a concise, 30-minute read, aimed at helping you boost your efficiency and creativity with Squarespace. Whether you're a seasoned designer or just starting out, these pro tips will save you time and enhance your projects. Let's jump in and get started!

Tools of the Trade

To kick things off, having the right tools can make a world of difference in your web design process. In this section, we'll cover some essential resources, including key Chrome extensions and specialized tools, that will streamline your Squarespace workflow. These tools have proven invaluable in my own projects, and I'm excited to share how they can help you create professional, polished websites with ease.


When you're facing designer's block or need a quick layout inspiration, SquareForge is a fantastic resource. It's a comprehensive toolkit filled with professional layouts that you can replicate for free. In this part, we'll explore how SquareForge and its accompanying YouTube channel tutorials can be a game-changer in your design process. Whether you're just starting out or looking to enhance your current skills, SquareForge offers valuable templates and tutorials to elevate your Squarespace projects.

Chrome Extensions

Efficiency in web design often comes down to the small tools that make a big difference. Chrome extensions like ColorZilla and Squarespace ID Finder are among those tools. In this section, I'll introduce you to some of the most useful Chrome extensions that can streamline your workflow, from color picking to identifying block IDs. These extensions have been a staple in my toolkit, saving countless hours and enhancing productivity.

Let's take a closer look at how these can benefit your Squarespace designs.

  • ColorZilla: This tool allows you to pick any color from any webpage, making it easy to build cohesive color palettes for your designs. Combine it with for limitless palette options.

  • Squarespace ID Finder: This extension helps you identify block IDs and section IDs within Squarespace, essential for custom coding and detailed adjustments.

  • Image Downloader: Save time by downloading images directly from websites, even if they’re not available via right-click.

Advanced Tools

For those looking to take their Squarespace productivity to the next level, advanced tools like Squarespace Website Tools Pro offer robust functionalities. This section dives into these advanced tools, which allow for seamless replication of entire sections and efficient content duplication across different Squarespace versions. By incorporating these tools into your workflow, you'll be able to handle more complex tasks with greater ease and efficiency. Let's explore how these advanced tools can transform your web design process.

  • Squarespace Website Tools Pro: This premium tool lets you replicate entire sections from one Squarespace site to another, saving you tons of time, especially useful for large content areas like blogs.

Designing Page Layouts

Section-Based Design

Squarespace is built around sections, making it easy to create organized, professional-looking pages. Here’s a quick rundown on how to make the most of these sections:

  1. Break Long Pages into Sections: This creates a balanced and clean layout.

  2. Use Contrasting Backgrounds: Alternate between different background colors to visually separate sections.

Hero Sections

  1. Customizing Hero Units: Upload and adjust images, use focal points to control image positioning, and utilize the built-in image editor for basic adjustments.

  2. Blend Modes and Shapes: Add effects like overlays or blur behind text to make it stand out without overwhelming the design.

Pro Tips for Text and Image Blocks

  • Use Headings Wisely: Stick to one H1 per page for the main heading, and use H2s and H3s for subheadings.

  • Custom Padding and Spacing: Adjust the padding and spacing to create visually pleasing layouts.

  • Blend Modes: Experiment with blend modes for text and images to create unique visual effects.

Advanced Layout Techniques

Multi-Column Layouts

  1. Adding Text Blocks: Use command and drag to create and position text blocks efficiently.

  2. Image Placement: Ensure images are aligned correctly and adjust their sizes to fit the layout.

  3. Mobile Optimization: Regularly switch to mobile view to ensure your design looks great on all devices.

Saving and Reusing Sections

  1. Save Sections: Once you have a layout you like, save it to use on other pages.

  2. Edit on Mobile: Always check and edit saved sections in mobile view to ensure they look good across all devices.

Adding Custom Dividers and Shapes

Dividers can add a touch of sophistication to your site. Use them sparingly to maintain a clean look.

  1. Custom Dividers: Add angled lines or curves between sections to create a flow.

  2. Shape Blocks: Use shapes behind text to highlight important information.

Final Touches

Keyboard Shortcuts

Learning Squarespace keyboard shortcuts can significantly speed up your workflow:

  • Bold Text: Command+B (Mac) / Control+B (PC)

  • Italic Text: Command+I (Mac) / Control+I (PC)

  • Headings: Command+Option+Number (Mac) / Control+Alt+Number (PC)

Final Checks

  1. Mobile View: Ensure all sections look good on mobile before finalizing.

  2. Consistent Spacing: Double-check gaps and alignments for a polished look.


I hope these tips have given you a solid foundation for creating professional websites on Squarespace. For more in-depth tutorials, subscribe to our YouTube channel and check out SquareForge. If you're looking for personalized help, book a one-to-one session with me through Pixel Haze Academy.

Catch you next time, and happy designing!


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