Become a Pro Web Designer: Earn Up $800 Per Day with Squarespace

Pixelhaze Academy founder Elwyn Davies gives his top tips to help you find your groove in Web Design, ensuring you can carve out a successful and profitable career with Squarespace.

Starting a web design career in 2024 offers incredible possibilities, especially with today's powerful website builders.

You don't need to master coding to create stunning, functional websites. With tools like Squarespace and Hostinger Website Builder, you can tap into a wealth of design potential.

Having completed over 400 successful Squarespace website projects and developed a series of design toolkits, I've streamlined my workflow. Here are some of my best tips to help you set out an achievable and straightforward plan for your career with website builders.

1. Understanding Your Comfort Zone

The first step in finding your comfort zone is identifying what resonates. Are you more inclined towards creative design or technical coding?

Do you enjoy working on large-scale projects or prefer smaller, more personal websites?

Reflect on past experiences in web design and other areas to pinpoint what makes you tick. Would you prefer to take a little longer with your designs and push the boundaries with what website builders can do? Are you looking to build a growing e-commerce website with Squarespace?

Practical Example: If you enjoy visual storytelling, create portfolio websites for artists or photographers using Squarespace’s gallery templates. This allows you to focus on the visual elements and less on the technical side, which can keep your enthusiasm high. Alternatively, if you are passionate about supporting local businesses, use Hostinger Website Builder to design engaging, easy-to-navigate websites for small shops and service providers. This approach lets you highlight their unique offerings and build a strong online presence without needing extensive coding skills.

2. Embrace Website Builders

You don't need to be a coding wizard to be a successful web designer. Platforms like Squarespace and Hostinger Website Builder are powerful tools that allow you to create stunning websites without writing a single line of code.

Unless you have extensive experience with front-end development, I recommend that you start by embracing website builder tools to simplify your process and focus on what you love—designing beautiful, functional websites.

Practical Example: Use Squarespace's drag-and-drop interface to build a site for a small business. Start with a basic template (or get your mitts on Square Forge), then customize it to match the client's brand. This approach helps you deliver professional results efficiently and allows you to focus on design elements instead of coding.

When starting out, remember the KISS methodology (Keep It Simple, Stupid).

3. Set Realistic Goals

Becoming a specialist in every aspect of web design - from handling domains to UX, CSS, and animation- is impossible. It has become a huge beast to tame. Therefore, starting your career in web design can feel overwhelming, but setting realistic goals can help you stay focused and motivated. Break down your larger objectives into smaller, manageable tasks. For instance, initially, aim to complete one project at a time. This is especially important if you can only initially become a part-time web designer. As you gain confidence and experience, you can gradually increase your workload.

Practical Example: Set a goal to complete one website in your first month; if you finish it sooner, that’s a bonus! Choose simple projects, such as personal blogs or small business sites, to build your confidence and portfolio. As you become more comfortable, take on more complex projects and deliver them frequently. I can now complete a small brochureware website with Squarespace or Hostinger in 3-4 hours, but it has taken years and a series of efficient tools to get it down to that timeframe.

4. Find Joy in Routine Tasks

Not every part of web design is glamorous. Tasks like content transfer and template customization might seem mundane, but they are essential to the success of your projects. Find ways to make these tasks enjoyable.

Practical Example: Listen to your favourite music or podcasts while performing routine tasks like content transfer. You can also set mini-deadlines and reward yourself for completing them. This way, you can maintain a positive attitude and stay productive.

5. Tap into Pre-made Website Templates

Using pre-made templates can save you time and effort while maintaining high-quality standards. Tools like Square Forge offer customisable templates tailored to meet your client's needs. This approach speeds up your workflow and ensures consistency and professionalism in your designs.

Practical Example: This is a shameless plug, but this works incredibly well for us… Build a template toolkit using Square Forge that suits your client's industry. Customize the colours, fonts, and images to fit their brand. This method allows you to deliver a polished website quickly and efficiently.


6. Automate Repetitive Tasks

Automation tools can be a game-changer in web design. Tools like Taskmagic and can enable you to schedule or create shortcuts for multi-step processes. These can be combined with AI tools like ChatGPT or Google Gemini for the very best in web design productivity.

Practical Example: Set up automated workflows using Taskmagic or to handle repetitive tasks such as content updates or image optimization. Integrate AI tools like ChatGPT or Google Gemini to streamline client communication and generate content. This approach saves time and allows you to focus on more creative aspects of web design. I will be releasing a treasure trove of content on this subject throughout the summer. Stay tuned!

7. Stay Organized with Project Management Tools

Keeping track of multiple projects can be challenging, especially when starting. Use project management tools like Trello or Asana to organize your tasks and deadlines. We use Infinity to track multiple projects simultaneously. However, you can use Trello,, or even Google Sheets to track your projects for free.

Practical Example: Create a project board on Trello for each client. List all tasks, deadlines, and progress updates. This helps you stay on top of your projects and ensures timely delivery.

8. Continuously Improve Your Skills

Web design is dynamic, and continuous learning is crucial for long-term success. Take advantage of online courses, webinars, and tutorials to keep your skills current. We have you covered here at Pixelhaze Academy. Our courses showcase all of the processes, design tips and systems I have implemented over 20 years of owning web design agencies.

Practical Example: Dedicate an hour weekly to learning new design techniques or tools through platforms like Udemy or Pixelhaze Academy. This continuous learning helps you stay current with industry trends and improve your skill set.

9. Seek Feedback and Learn from Mistakes

Constructive feedback is invaluable for growth. Don’t shy away from seeking feedback from clients and peers. Use this input to refine your processes and improve your designs. When you proactively ask for feedback, you may be surprised at how helpful and supportive your clients can be. While you fight off the inevitable imposter syndrome, remember that your customers want you to succeed, for them and you.

Practical Example: After completing a project, ask your client for feedback on the design and process. Use their input to identify areas for improvement and apply these lessons to future projects.

Takeaway Notes:

  • Identify Your Preferences:

    • Reflect on past experiences to determine what aspects of web design resonate with you.

    • Focus on projects that align with your interests, such as visual storytelling or technical coding.

  • Embrace Website Builders:

    • Use platforms like Squarespace and Hostinger Website Builder to simplify your design process.

    • Leverage their drag-and-drop interfaces to create professional websites without coding.

  • Set Realistic Goals:

    • Break down larger objectives into smaller, manageable tasks.

    • Start with one project per month to build confidence and experience.

  • Find Joy in Routine Tasks:

    • Make mundane tasks enjoyable by listening to music or setting mini-deadlines.

    • Gamify routine tasks to stay motivated and productive.

  • Leverage Pre-made Templates:

    • Use customizable templates from sources like SquareForge to save time and maintain quality.

    • Customize templates to fit your client's brand while ensuring consistency.

  • Automate Repetitive Tasks:

    • Utilise automation tools for website content, SEO, email marketing, and social media integration.

    • Automate mundane tasks to focus on the creative aspects of web design.

  • Stay Organized with Project Management Tools:

    • Use tools like Trello, Infinity or Google Sheets to keep track of tasks and deadlines.

    • Create detailed project plans to stay organized and meet client expectations.

  • Continuously Improve Your Skills:

    • Dedicate time each week to learning new design techniques and tools.

    • Take online courses and attend webinars to stay current with industry trends.

  • Seek Feedback and Learn from Mistakes:

    • Ask clients and peers for constructive feedback to improve your designs.

    • View mistakes as learning opportunities and apply lessons to future projects.

Wrapping Up

Finding your comfort zone in web design is about discovering satisfaction in the everyday aspects of the job. This approach not only helps maintain enthusiasm but also ensures long-term success. Embrace the mundane, and the exciting milestones will follow.

Need to sharpen up your web design skills by getting involved with a community of creatives? Great news! We are launching our new Pixelhaze Community on Skool. You can join our waitlist here to find out more.


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