Moonshot: Become A Squarespace Web Designer FAQs - Autumn 2023

Even though this course has been two decades in the making, there is a certain irony to the fact that it is also very new to us.

We are still learning and adapting, especially from the valuable questions posed by our students. Today, I thought I would share some of the recent queries we’ve received about Moonshot. We’ll be adding these to the Moonshot landing page as well.

So, here’s the fresh batch of FAQs for our Squarespace web design course and programme.


Do I need to commit full-time hours to this programme?

Not at all! You can adjust the content in this programme to match your lifestyle and work schedule. We have university students who take the best part of a year to get through all of this content, and other students who are fast-tracking through this programme while designing websites for new clients. We call it an intensive six-week programme because if you dedicate a minimum of three days a week, you should have all the tools to be a full-time web designer by the end of the six weeks.

Is the course material pre-recorded or live?

All of the core material is pre-recorded and is roughly six to eight hours in total. However, we have nearly 30 hours of additional content you can work through at your own pace and handpick the content that suits your learning journey. We are planning to launch our first live monthly sessions before the end of 2023, featuring myself, our team at PixelHaze, and hopefully some additional guests from the industry. You’ll also get two one-to-one video workshop slots with our team where we can help you with your first website project.

What is ‘Done With You’ (DWY) approach?

Our ‘Done With You’ approach is designed to get the best of both worlds. By pre-recording our core content, we can work with a larger volume of students without sacrificing the quality of our training material. Meanwhile, we allocate workshop slots bundled within the offer so you get constructive face-to-face time with a member of our team.

Is there a payment plan?

Yes, we can provide two options after moving all of our training material into Squarespace’s new course feature. You can pay in full for a slight discount or spread the payments over four equal months.

Are there any discounts?

We offer discounts on an occasional basis. The best place to get a discount off Moonshot is on the Pixelhaze Academy website. There’s also a massive 40% discount on our Moonshot Early Bird programme for our first 50 students. Spaces are filling up quickly so you might want to move fast. Please note that the discount is only available if you pay in full; it is not available for the monthly plan.

Does Moonshot include other courses?

Moonshot includes everything that PixelHaze has to offer from our course library. This includes our huge Squarespace Box of Tricks course, Canva Box of Tricks, Photoshop Box of Tricks, AI and web design, our growing AI Toolkit, courses on video production via Descript (coming soon), social media automation, and even courses on how to pitch your designs to your clients. We create on average 2-3 new mini-courses per month and are always open to ideas from VIP members and Moonshot students.

Are all templates and plugins free if I sign up for Moonshot?

All PixelHaze plugins are included in your membership with Moonshot as you will get a lifetime VIP membership as part of this offer. Your first three Squarespace templates by PixelHaze will be included in this plan, and you will get a lifetime 30% discount on any additional templates you purchase through PixelHaze. This discount does not apply to non-Pixelhaze templates.

Do I need a Pixelhaze template to build a website through the mentorship programme?

No, not at all. Although we are developing a diverse range of website templates suitable for every industry, you can use Squarespace’s own starter templates for your project. Our workshop methodology will guide you through the steps of how you can speed up the process of using Squarespace templates, allowing you to turn around your website quickly. We believe it’s vital that students have the flexibility to choose their own path once they have the fundamentals nailed down.

Moonshot looks great, but it is a little out of my budget at the moment, are there any other options for me?

Absolutely, we understand that everyone’s circumstances are different. We offer a Lifetime VIP Membership for only $99. This gives you lifetime access to all VIP courses, including Squarespace Box of Tricks, AI in Web Design and The Website Blueprint: Planning for a Web Design Project. Alongside this, you’ll have commercial access to VIP plugins and receive 25% off Squarespace Templates by PixelHaze. Moreover, this membership includes a $99 discount off Moonshot, meaning you can upgrade your membership anytime without penalty. This could be a more affordable starting point for you, but you will need to act fast! We only release 5 Lifetime VIP plans per week!


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