Mastering the Product Triangle: Faster, Cheaper, Better

Today, I'll walk you through a model I’ve refined over months, inspired by the "faster, cheaper, better" concept originally credited to Alex Hormozi.

This model helps us to deliver top-notch services while balancing speed, cost, and quality.

Introducing the Triangle

The product or service triangle consists of three crucial aspects:

  1. Faster: Delivering services at lightning speed.

  2. Cheaper: Cutting down costs effectively.

  3. Better: Ensuring superior quality.

Here's how we can leverage this model:


Consider Ryanair, a budget airline known for timely arrivals. Speed is paramount in their service. Think of it like Uber or Deliveroo, where swift service is key. For us, the challenge is turning around projects quickly without sacrificing too much quality.


In the United Kingdom, brands like Primark and discount supermarkets like Lidl and Aldi dominate through competitive pricing. Walmart adopts a similar strategy, increasing supplier prices to offer the lowest market rates. In our context, being economical without compromising value is vital.


When it comes to quality, Apple dominates. Products like the iPhone Pro and MacBook Pro exemplify reliability and build quality. They resonate with consumers looking for durable, high-performance gadgets. Our goal is to emulate such excellence in our services.

Balancing the Triangle

Balancing these three aspects can be tricky. Enhancing one often affects the others. For instance, speeding up delivery might reduce quality or boost costs. We’ve built our strategies to stretch this triangle and find equilibrium.

Real-World Implementation in Web Design

Using Squarespace as our foundation, our web design process achieves this balance effectively. Here’s how:

  1. Pre-built Systems: Starting with an 80-90% complete project using Squarespace allows us to focus more on client needs and provide faster services.

  2. Client-Centric Sessions: We work closely with clients to fine-tune their briefs, ensuring a tailored result.

  3. Cost Efficiencies: Our existing systems reduce project hours, allowing us to offer competitive pricing.

We outline the project meticulously during our initial client workshop to ensure quick and affordable turnaround times. Our template system, Square Forge, saves hours per project, enhancing speed and consistency.

Enhancing Quality Over Time

Improving quality often increases costs. With my first agency, we targeted higher-end clients, investing in better tools and teams. This made our services costlier and more aligned with client demands for premium quality.

Even now, our focus on refined processes allows us to charge reasonably while maintaining high standards. Whether it’s a standard Squarespace site or a high-ticket custom build, our streamlined approach ensures excellent outcomes.

The Beauty of Modern Web Design

In 2024, web design will allow us to deliver high-quality projects swiftly and affordably. Our platform, Square Forge, offers pre-built templates that shave hours off each project, ensuring we remain competitive.

Testing protocols and pre-flight checks significantly reduce errors, ensuring client satisfaction. We avoid repeated mistakes, leveraging AI to refine our processes further.

The Takeaway

Our model isn't just theoretical; it's practical and proven. By using pre-built templates and refined systems, you too can deliver faster, cheaper, and better services.

For more insights:

  • Training Programs: Join our Moonshot transformation program.

  • Community: Participate in our new community on Skool for a low monthly fee.

I’m confident this model can revolutionize your approach. Give it a try, and you'll see remarkable results.

Final Thoughts

If you want to influence future content at Pixelhaze Academy and join our budding community, click here. We’re ramping up our community efforts, and I’m eager to share more, engage in group sessions, and offer more courses.




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