How to write human-like website homepage content with ChatGPT

Elwyn Davies reveals how to write unique and impactful website homepage content with ChatGPT.

I thought I'd share some processes that we've been refining over time when working with clients to help them write content for their websites.

This process has become much easier with the implementation of ChatGPT and other AI tools. However, if you rely solely on ChatGPT to write the content, you'll end up with some pretty bland mash instead of good, engaging content that speaks to your target audience.

Here's what I do: I have a chat with the new ChatGPT feature, which lets you speak directly into your phone and have a conversation with the bot to refine the message constantly. It's a combination of my content writing experience and an internet's worth of background research to ensure we're getting the right message across. Even with this, the output is probably only about 80% of where I want it to be. The final 20% I refine the good old-fashioned way: manually writing the first introductory paragraph. This is often the most difficult part because it's where you're most likely to get writer's block or stare at a blank page, wondering where to start. If this is you for your own business, it's even more tricky. So here are some things I recommend you start with:

Leading with Pain Points

Pain points are areas that your target audience, customer, or client is struggling with. For example, I recently worked on a project for an IT company, and we focused on the type of perfect customer they would want and where they're struggling elsewhere. We honed in on pain points like unreliable IT partners, technology that constantly breaks down, and network downtime that pulls their team away from more valuable work. Once we identified these pain points, we turned them into questions: "Are you struggling with IT system downtime?" "Do you always have to wait on hold for your IT support team?" and so on.

Highlight Your Experience

Next, showcase your company's experience. Using the IT company example again, we talked about a business that launched in the early 2000s and has grown alongside their clients. We made sure to highlight their experience, mentioning over 20 years of working with clients in these sectors. This isn't just about stating the launch year or how long they've been in business; it's about telling a story of growth and resilience. We highlighted significant milestones, like major projects or key clients, to add depth to their narrative.

Describe Your Approach

Then, describe your business approach and how you interact with clients. Are you a roll-up-your-sleeves type of business that tackles problems with minimal fuss? This approach has worked well for us at PixelHaze. We aim to be a low-fuss partner who is approachable and dependable. When something goes wrong, we roll up our sleeves and fix it, making sure we're proactive to minimize issues. This reassures clients and builds trust.

"Combining AI with human creativity allows us to craft content that's both efficient and engaging."
- Elwyn Davies

Showcase Partnerships

Partnerships can add a lot of credibility. For example, in our case, we work with Squarespace. The IT company we're working with has a partnership with Microsoft. These partnerships provide reassurance and legitimacy. Mentioning partnerships with multinational brands can offer more reassurance and demonstrate your business's reliability.

Wrap It Up with a Tagline

Finally, wrap up with a strong tagline. Ours is "Demystify Technology." This should encapsulate your mission and leave a lasting impression. Make sure it's memorable and reflects your core values. For instance, "Empowering Your Digital Journey" could convey your service's supportive and transformative aspects.

Final Thoughts

Remember, the key to impactful homepage content lies in addressing your customers' pain points first. Build your message around this, then follow with your experience, approach, and notable partnerships. This method ensures that your content is engaging and trustworthy and clearly communicates the value you bring.


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