Learn essential tools for:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Web Design

Learn all of the essential tools and techniques and utilize artificial intelligence for web design from industry leader Elwyn Davies; begin your journey in the exciting world of Web Design with THE AI TOOLKIT.

17 places remaining.

Learning: Web Design, Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Price: $49.99

Duration: 2.5 hours

Structure: Your own pace - online


  • AI Demystified: A Comprehensive Guide: Welcome to "Web Design: The AI Toolkit," where we unravel the complexities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for you. This course is tailored for those keen to harness AI's power in web design, whether you're a business owner or a career-focused individual. AI has transformed various industries, and we're here to help you navigate these changes with ease.

  • Stay Updated with AI Evolution: AI technology is rapidly evolving, and keeping up can be daunting. Our course keeps you abreast of the latest developments in AI workflows, software, and techniques, ensuring your skills remain relevant and cutting-edge.

  • Practical AI Applications for Web Design: Our curriculum focuses on practical AI applications, showcasing a range of adaptable AI software solutions suitable for different web design needs. These tools, many of which offer free plans, allow you to explore and integrate AI at your own pace.

  • Integrate AI into Your Workflows: Learn how to seamlessly blend various AI applications to optimize your web design operations. Our comprehensive workflow section demonstrates practical ways to integrate AI into your web design process.

An industry-tested course

Industry leader, Elwyn Davies, has designed over 3000 websites during his career and has put together the perfect course for Web Designers looking to utilize AI to streamline their content creation processes.



  • Course Introduction

  • Post Hoc - Pop-up Lecture


Speedy Workflows

  • The Broken Video

  • Fixing your environment

  • Applying AI Studio Sound to our video

  • Converting our video script to a blog post


Content Creation

  • Content Creation with AI

  • Editing and repurposing content


Video Production on a Shoestring

  • Introduction to Speedy Workflows

  • Explainer Videos & Presentations

  • Writing Blog Posts

  • Writing Advanced and Long Form Blog Posts

  • AI Cold Outreach with Luna

  • AI image creation with Midjourney

Start your journey with us!

Web design, especially when intertwined with the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), opens up a universe of creative possibilities. In this innovative space, technical skill converges with imaginative vision, creating a diverse and thrilling array of career paths.

At Pixelhaze Academy, we fully embrace the transformative potential of AI in web design. Our commitment is to foster your growth in this rapidly evolving field. Whether you're just beginning to explore the impactful world of AI in web design or looking to expand and deepen your existing skills, our "Web Design: The AI Toolkit" course offers an in-depth and captivating learning experience. This course is meticulously crafted to provide you with the essential knowledge and tools necessary to thrive in AI-driven web design, harmoniously merging technical know-how with creative innovation.

The AI Toolkit
One time

✓ Comprehensive Artificial Intelligence (AI) beginners guide
✓ Regular updates on the latest AI workflows & software
✓ Access to a curated list of adaptable software solutions
✓ Guidance on integrating multiple AI applications
✓ Ideal for business owners and career-driven individuals